Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Python WebDriver proof of concept

As my first Python project, I decided to see if I could read a table containing selenium actions from a confluence page.  This is just a proof of concept and is not an automation framework...but it helped me both learn a little bit about Python and see how it could be used to drive a selenium based automation framework.  Here's the code...yeah, it's just ugly text since I couldnt get the code block to work for this post .  To get a pretty-page look at it, PyCharm is a great Python IDE (see my previous post for quick notes on downloading it):


__author__ = 'rhondam'
# barebones proof of concept python project...not pretty but it works
# This project reads a table from a confluence page (page name is hard coded...can only have one table
# on the page).  It then starts webdriver and iterates over the stored table executing webdriver commands based
# on data read from the table.
# It is hacked to only access elements via ids and uses simple if/elif.  If I take this further, it would need to be
# objectized and broken out into methods.  There is no exception it just dies if the element isnt present.
# Table needs to be in the following format:
# <table>
#   <tbody>
#     <tr>
#       <th>url</th>
#       <th>element</th>
#       <th colspan="1">element type</th>
#       <th>action</th>
#       <th colspan="1">data</th>
#       <th>expected result</th>
#     </tr>
#     <tr>
#       <td>
#         <a href=""></a>
#       </td>
#       <td> </td>
#       <td colspan="1"> </td>
#       <td> </td>
#       <td colspan="1"> </td>
#       <td> </td>
#     </tr>
#     <tr>
#       <td> </td>
#       <td>gbqfq</td>
#       <td colspan="1">id</td>
#       <td>send_keys</td>
#       <td colspan="1">Tommy Heinsohn</td>
#       <td> </td>
#     </tr>
#     <tr>
#       <td colspan="1"> </td>
#       <td colspan="1">gbqfb</td>
#       <td colspan="1">id</td>
#       <td colspan="1">click</td>
#       <td colspan="1"> </td>
#       <td colspan="1"> </td>
#     </tr>
#   </tbody>
# </table>
from selenium import webdriver
from collections import defaultdict
from github import Github
from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
import configparser
import lxml.etree
import lxml.html
import os

# execute selenium action
def web_action(web_cmd):
    element = web_cmd[1]
    element_type = web_cmd[2]
    action = web_cmd[3]
    data = web_cmd[4]
    expected_result = web_cmd[5]
    print('in web_action')
    print(element, element_type, action, data, expected_result)

    if(action == 'send_keys'):
        if(element_type == 'id'):
            driver_element = driver.find_element_by_id(element)
    elif(action == 'click'):
        if(element_type == 'id'):
            driver_element = driver.find_element_by_id(element)

# enter confluence xmlrpc link and credentials
#    sample xmlrpc link:
xmlrpc = input('Enter confluence xmlrpc link: ')
s = ServerProxy(xmlrpc)
user_name = input('Enter confluence username: ')
password = input('Enter confluence password: ')
auth_token = s.confluence2.login(user_name, password)
page = s.confluence2.getPage(auth_token, "~"+user_name, "Test Data Google")
content = page["content"]

# get the confluence page content
doc = lxml.html.fromstring(content)

# create dictionary for reading in table data
table_data = defaultdict(list)


# read table from page
row_count = 0
for row in doc.iter('tr'):
    td = []
    td_count = 0
    for td_item in row.iter('td'):
        td_count += 1
    row_count += 1

print('td_count:  ', td_count)
print('row_count: ', row_count)

# start up webdriver and execute actions from table
driver = 0
for key, value in table_data.items():
    # start webdriver and get past header row
    if(key == 0):
        driver = webdriver.Firefox()
    if(value[0][0] != '\xa0'):


How to run it...

I keep it simple and use PyCharm to edit and run the project.   So that it doesnt run so fast that I cant visually verify the results, I sometimes set a debug point at line 124 (the web_action call) and step over that so I can see that the google page comes up and Tommy Heinsohn search works properly.

Improvements needed

This is a real brute force project and to list all the improvements it would take to make it into a real data driven application would take me the rest of the night...and I'm tired.

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